Yesterday, I was excited to learn that Dirty Girls Ministries is finally holding a conference. Started in 2009, DGM is one of two Christian organizations formed to help women suffering from pornography addition (the other being Jessica Harris’ Beggar’s Daughter). Founder Crystal Renaud wrote a devotional/self-help book, Dirty Girls Come Clean, and started an online community to provide counseling and accountability partnerships for women struggling with this sexual sin. A conference was clearly the next step to take.
The WHOLE Women’s Conference, co-hosted by the Westside Family Church, will be held in Lenexa, KS on August 24-25, 2012. The keynote speaker will be author and Women of Faith speaker Lisa Harper. Topics include abortion, porn addition, conflict and intimacy in marriage, human trafficking, homosexuality, and sexual abuse. Crystal Renaud will also be leading an optional breakfast devotional, and Nuance Boutique will be putting on a teen fashion show.
This conference sounds like a great opportunity for both believing and unbelieving women to learn about how God can turn their lives around for the better. I hope that it encourages more Christians to confront these very real but often ignored issues and work together to find new solutions and renewed life.